Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A Beginning

Hello, I'm Psycheout. And I'm a dyslexic.

Hello, Psycheout.

The idea to create this blog just sprung out of my head. Unfortunately it was jumbled and some letters were reversed and when I explained it to a friend he thought I was speaking in pig latin. OK, I kid. But that's what we do. That's what people do.

The following is a reprint from my other general blog, Psycheout's Portal. Be forewarned: I may not share the same politics as you. That's okay. That's not the subject here. The subject is dyslexia.

So, without further ado, here's the stream of consciousness post that kicked this experimental project off:

Well, the cat's out of the bag. I'm dyslexic. I've known it since elementary school and I hate it. I've tried to keep it secret...well who wants to announce to the world or loved ones that they have a mental disorder? Nobody.

I've noticed it from time to time when a word I've written (or typed) that just didn't look right or someone has pointed it out to me. I've also noticed it when a word I've only read and written was spoken by someone else and I realized that for years I had a letter reversed.

Recent examples: I spelled Giuliani "Guiliani" for weeks on B4B before noticing my mistake when I did a web search. I promptly went back through the archives and corrected my many (and consistent) mistakes.

I also noticed it today after a commenter noticed my mistake in Terri Schaivo's [sic] Brother Joins Sam Brownback. I spelled Schiavo "Schaivo." Now that I look at it, I'm not sure which is right. That's the thing about dyslexia. It's like looking at words through a hall of mirrors. It's not an amusement park, not a funhouse; it's a frustrating puzzle that often doesn't seem to make any sense. I hate it.

It's incredibly embarrassing and humiliating. It makes you feel like you're stupid. But you're not. You simply, well, I simply have some sketchy connections in my brain that have nothing to do with intelligence.

One place you can find information about dyslexia is wikipedia.

I really encourage others with dyslexia to share their own stories in the comments. Use as much detail as you like. I plan on doing another more detailed post on "lysdexia" and my own experiences with it in the near future, should anyone be remotely interested.

Somehow I doubt it.

So, for now, I turn it over to whoever stumbled upon this blog. If you'd like to participate in it, to become part of the Lysdexic team, as it were, let me know in teh [sic] comments. See the first post, Welcome, Lysdexics! for more. So, take it away, Lysdexics. We're all in this together.

-- Psycheout

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